Eucalyptus Leaves
Eucalyptus Leaves
Experience the enchanting power of Eucalyptus Leaves. Known for its aromatic soothing and cooling properties. Eucalyptus leafs have been used for centuries to treat a variety of respiratory ailments. The potent compounds in eucalyptus leaf can help to reduce inflammation, clear congestion, and ease the pain. Today, eucalyptus leaves are still revered for their healing properties. Numerous studies have shown that eucalyptus can help to reduce blood sugar levels, making it an effective natural treatment for diabetes. So if you're struggling with respiratory issues or high blood sugar levels try some today, you'll be amazed you did.
How to Prepare your Loose Leaf Herbs :
Add 1 1/2 full tablespoon of herbs to 2-3 cups of water & bring to a boil. Can be sweetened with pure agave syrup from cactus
Recommend to let the herbs to steep for 15-20 minutes before drinking (the longer the herbs steep, the stronger it will be). Tea can last up to a week in a mason jar keep air tight and refrigerated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not claiming to cure any illnesses/diseases or intended to replace any medications prescribed by your doctor. Please always consult with your physician before starting any herbal remedies.
PLEASE BE ADVISED that a healthy routine such as exercise eating a well balanced meal and drinking 6-8 cups of water is required for maximum effectiveness; otherwise, you'll neutralize the effects or only reap minimal benefits.
Keep herbs at a cool temperature. Herbs will come in a reusable paper bag with a wooden spoon. We also offer “French Press Machines” After opening place in a mason jar for freshness, Can be left on the counter out of direct sunlight.